The fight over the iPhone; A 12-year-old girl strangled her cousin

According to reports, a 12-year-old girl has been arrested in Tennessee for the murder of her 8-year-old cousin. It is said that the motive for this murder was a fight over an iPhone.

This tragic incident happened in the city of Jackson, Tennessee.

Police say the victim, identified as Haley Reynolds, was found at her grandmother's home.

The accused, whose identity has not been revealed because he is a minor, is currently in custody.

More details of this incident, including the manner of the murder, have not yet been released.

This shocking event once again clearly shows the dangers of having smartphones and social networks for children and teenagers.

Experts believe that it is necessary for parents to monitor their children's online activities and also teach them skills to deal with the challenges of cyber space.

The death of "Haley Reynolds" has had a wide reflection in the media and social networks.

Many people have expressed their regret over this incident, and have demanded serious follow-up of this issue and punishment of the perpetrators of this crime.

This tragic incident once again points out the need to pay more attention to the mental health of children and teenagers, as well as teach them problem-solving and anger management skills.

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